
About Shiraz University

Known as Pahlavi University before the Islamic Revolution, Shiraz University's academic roots were established in 1946 as the Institute of Health for Higher Education with the main goal of training specialists in medical sciences during a 4-year course. Later down the road, from 1949 to 1955, the Medical University, Namazi Nursing School, Agriculture College, Art College and Science college were built and added to this university.  From 1954 to 1970, Engineering College, and Veterinary College were gradually added. Afterwards, other colleges such as Dentistry College, E-School, and College of Law and Educational Sciences were established as well.

       Shiraz University is one of the largest and most important universities in the country; and presently has 610 faculty members, and more than 19000 students. The university offers BA/BS in 80 departments, MA/MS in 183 and Ph.D. in 102 areas of concentration. Currently, Shiraz University is comprised of 16 faculties and one higher education center; and several other faculties to be set up in very near future. As an accredited university, Shiraz University aims to instruct and educate qualified faculty staff for other-higher education and research institutes all over the country.